Purchasing a boat or recreational watercraft is an investment that is well worth protecting. Harsh environmental elements such as heat, wind and rain can damage a boat and increase costly repairs and maintenance. Protecting your investment with a portable boat garage kit will keep help reduce unnecessary repairs caused by foul weather conditions. Boat storage can be arranged in a permanent structure or through the use of an instant portable structure such as a boat shelter.
Boat shelters are also referred to as portable garage canopies and are usually sold as complete kits. These portable storage kits are available with a top cover or completely enclosed for protection from all four sides. Each boathouse frame is constructed using heavy-duty galvanized steel components and also includes a heavy-duty poly tarp cover. Our portable boat shelters are built to last and protect against all types of weather elements. Tents-Canopy offers the best prices on outdoor structures including boat canopies and shelters for your truck, car, campers, motorcycles and other equipment and supplies.
In addition to boat shelters, Tents-Canopy provides instant garages for your car, truck, SUV and other autos. The car/auto shelter is enclosed using a triple layer polyethylene cover. Made using a 1-3/8” all steel frame, auto shelter tubing is powder coated to resist chipping, peeling and will not corrode or rust. The minimal spacing between rafters is designed to provide extra strength and stability under harsh conditions. Each auto/car shelter comes complete with a Ratchet Tight tensioning system for anchoring.
Browse our selection of outdoor shelter products including boat shelters, canopy tents and shade sails. www.Tents-Canopy.com is a leading supplier of complete kits for instant garages and we also carry a full line of tarp covers for outdoor use as well as, replacement covers. If you are interested in designing your own custom canopy, visit our fitting selection and purchase the necessary components for your do it yourself structure. For questions about our products please contact a canopy specialist at (877) 811-3911.
Boat shelters are also referred to as portable garage canopies and are usually sold as complete kits. These portable storage kits are available with a top cover or completely enclosed for protection from all four sides. Each boathouse frame is constructed using heavy-duty galvanized steel components and also includes a heavy-duty poly tarp cover. Our portable boat shelters are built to last and protect against all types of weather elements. Tents-Canopy offers the best prices on outdoor structures including boat canopies and shelters for your truck, car, campers, motorcycles and other equipment and supplies.
In addition to boat shelters, Tents-Canopy provides instant garages for your car, truck, SUV and other autos. The car/auto shelter is enclosed using a triple layer polyethylene cover. Made using a 1-3/8” all steel frame, auto shelter tubing is powder coated to resist chipping, peeling and will not corrode or rust. The minimal spacing between rafters is designed to provide extra strength and stability under harsh conditions. Each auto/car shelter comes complete with a Ratchet Tight tensioning system for anchoring.
Browse our selection of outdoor shelter products including boat shelters, canopy tents and shade sails. www.Tents-Canopy.com is a leading supplier of complete kits for instant garages and we also carry a full line of tarp covers for outdoor use as well as, replacement covers. If you are interested in designing your own custom canopy, visit our fitting selection and purchase the necessary components for your do it yourself structure. For questions about our products please contact a canopy specialist at (877) 811-3911.