Finding additional storage space is a common problem that is easily solved by using a portable equipment storage shed. These steel framed shelters include a fully enclosed 9 Oz. poly cover that protects all types of valuable items such as equipment, tools, supplies, wood, hay, automobiles and recreational vehicles.
Available in a wide range of sizes, the equipment storage shed is ideal for freeing up cluttered garages and helps make storage a painless process that is both effective and economical. Used for both residential and commercial purposes, the equipment storage shed provides superb outdoor protection from all types of weather and shields against the harmful effects of UV.
These garage shelters are both portable and easily assembled with little or no tools. Built for year round use, the equipment storage shed can be used as a multi-purpose protective shelter for all types of applications and can also be used to house livestock and pets.
Protect your valuable assets today with an equipment storage garage.
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