Now is the perfect time to purchase a new canopy tent. The weather is changing and before long rain and snow will be a component of our daily lives. During the winter months simple tasks, such as going to work, can be hindered by inclement weather. Having less things to worry about can make your life much easier and one way to do that is by preparing early.
Canopies are a great way to create extra storage space for those summer recreational items and supplies that are no longer in use. Canopy tents can protect any type of item from weather including cars, trucks, toys, beach gear, garden supplies, equipment and more. Portable and weatherproof, outdoor tents and canopies are for sale all year round and choosing the model that works best for your environment is easy.
There are several types of shelters available, which can have different roof shapes as well as, different diameter frames and cover thicknesses. Each shelter is categorized by these features and given different names.
The portable garage is an outdoor canopy that is better suited for regions with heavy snowfall in the winter. The spacing between rafters are generally around 40-50" apart to create a strong frame base that is able to withstand snow load. The cover that is included is also designed for snow and is usually between 9 and 10 ounces per square yard. In addition, the garage canopy is completely enclosed by a one piece fitted cover and two end cap panels. The roof shape of the portable garage can either be peak shaped or round. Both frame shapes easily shed snow and water to prevent build up.
carport or traditional canopy is primarily designed for regions with moderate weather. Although the materials used to construct these outdoor shelters is the same as the portable garage, the rafter spacing is spread farther apart and the top tarp covers are usually about 6 ounces per square yard. These canopies can also be fully enclosed using a valance tarp set, which includes a top cover, side panels and front / back door panels.
Get prepared this winter by finding a portable shelter that will aid in the protection of your valuables. The investment in a solid canopy tent will serve you not only throughout the winter months but all year round.